Oh well. Never mind. The bank will sort it out. They best do anyway. I've sent off all the forms and stuff.
I'm looking forward to the end of this month, as I am going to take Caleb to go and see my family again. He's a little older now and might enjoy it more than last time as he will be awake more of the time and can spend time with his Auntie Mel and one of his Grannies. Although it might be a few days later than I originally planned, because of the problems with the bank. Gah. It will be good fun though. I'm taking my sister's birthday present up with me when I go, (even though her birthday isn't until mid october) and she is keeping mine from my birthday last week until I go up there. So it will be a present exchanging time too. Always good!!
I've got a couple more pictures of Caleb now, here is one of him sitting on the sofa propped up with cushions at his Dad's Mum's house - Granny number 2 - reading one of those fabric baby books. Well, looking at it and then seeing if it tastes any good, rather than reading!!
I suppose he kinda looks like he's asking us what exactly we want him to do with it. But just seconds before we took this he was chomping away on it quite happily!!
Enjoy - comments please!!
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